Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Last & Final

Blogging can be an important source of information for professionals and consumers of OT. Although information from blogs can be less reliable compared to academic sources, they can be nice for a quick reference. Information gained from blogs can be insightful and possibly even more understandable than confusing academic sources. Professionals may use blog posting to gain more insightful and creative ideas to use with their clients. Also, consumers can use blogs to learn about others' experiences with professionals and types of therapies.

Throughout the semester, the blog that I liked best was my very first one on why I got into the field. I will need to reflect on my initial insights when times get tough - through school or even my professional career.

The thing that I like best about blogging is the fact that I have the ability ti write whatever I want and express my own opinion in an open manner. However, I am not a fan of the strict prompts that I had to follow when writing these posts. I initially thought all of my posting would revolve around Down Syndrome, but this was difficult to do while trying to follow the prompts given.

If I continue to blog in the future my posts will likely revolve around my experiences throughout life, specifically in terms of my OT career.

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